60+ Special Rizz Quotes from the Mind of Rizz

By Rizz Boy

“It seems like you’ve come here searching for some best Rizz quote? if yes then defiantly You have just arrived to the right article! Our website, rizzquotes.com, has a bunch of popular Rizz Quotes to choose from.”

If you are one of them who always looks for the ways to playfully tease someone with naughty words? Then Here I’m going to share some unspoken Rizz Quotes with you to start using right now in conversation to spark more emotion and to get someone hooked into your interactions.

Someone said that “If you want to make someone laugh there should be a kid’s expression”. In such tens full of life, where the rush is too much who wouldn’t want to laugh and fun. People don’t judge you for having imperfections, they judge you on how you perceive your imperfections. My collection of Rizz Quotes will help you laugh and have fun. If you want some unique lines to share with someone you love or want naughty lines to share on social media then you should read this list.

Best Rizz Quotes You Will Surely Like


A man talking sense to himself is no matter than a man talking nonsense not to himself.

You know how to whistle, don’t you? You just put your lips together and blow.

I’m bad and that’s good. I will never be good and that’s not bad. There’s no one I’d rather be. Than me.

Would you be shocked if I put on something more than comfortable?

I’ll play it for you now does your mom know about tomorrow night.

I’m in agony the close I get to you the worse it gets I’m haunted by the kiss that you should never have given to me.

You know I actually prefer waking up in my own bed personal little quirk. You don’t mind me.

Life is not the amount of breaths you takes, it’s the moments that takes your breath away.

I want to picture a bullet inside your head. Can you do that for me?

You have to try because if you haven’t tried you haven’t lived.

You’re a woman trapped in a man’s body.

Short Rizz Quotes Ideas


I wonder, if you wonder.

I’m the dude man.

A second copy of the second will.

You oughta leave this thing alone.

Wise up folks, we’re all alone out there.

I know a guy, freezes coffee.

I don’t say any more than I have to, if that.

Sometime nothing is the hardest thing to do.

I feel the need, the need for speed.

I wish I knew how to quit you.

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

So it’s not gonna be easy, it’s gonna be really hard.

Just be yourself but not too much.

Being patient doesn’t get you what you want, does it.

I guess I’ll just let myself out okay.

Rizz Quotes for Girls to Say


I never thought you were him, I thought he was you.

I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.

Did I know him? Yep Yeah, I knew him.

I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers.

All right, Mr. I’m ready for my closeup.

I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.

I’ll have what she’s having.

I love you, you complete me.

I know that a life without love is no life at all.

I fell in love with in the way you fall asleep slowly.

We have each other everything else is background noise.

I’m also just a girl standing in front of a boy asking to love her.

Truth is, I gave my heart away a long time ago my whole heart and I really never got it packed.

I’m too short today to needed to those who love.

You name makes no matter for me so long as I can call you my own.

Changing your mind about wanting to marry me.

Want to go upstairs and get a head start on a honeymoon.

Rizz Quotes for Him to Say


I’m sure that I still have those parts in me.

People should mate for life, like pigeons.

I was wondering, Could I interview you.

You make me want to be a better man.

Mrs. you’re trying to seduce me.

This was being a museum because you truly are a work of art.

I can still smell your perfume on my clothes.

Do you have a map, I found myself getting lost in your eyes.

You are the last person I want to talk before I go to sleep at night.

You make it impossible to hate you.

Roses are red, violets are blue, I am not pretty damn look at you.

I think I’d miss you even if we never met.

The heart’s not like a boxer gets silver, it expands in size the more you love.

Are you religious! Thank you to answer to my all prayers.

To me you are perfect.

Maybe I need to stay in my lane, But you right up my alley.

And my wasted heart will love you.

Only one is a one track two together always going somewhere.

I want you, I want all of you forever you and me every day you will do something for me.

I love you even when you’re sick and look disgusting.

You are everything never knew I always wanted.

I’m kind of offended. But I’m also kind of flattered.

I’m creepier that usual I have a mustache.

I know, I’m older and wiser and you’re hot and on the rebound.

Dinner tonight I won’t take no for an answer.

Your hormones are doing all your thinking for you.

Love means never having to say you’re sorry.

Grab my arm, So I can let my boys know what’s like to be touched by an angel.

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